31 Quotes by Frank LaRue Owen
Frank LaRue Owen Quotes By Tag
- Author Frank LaRue Owen
There’s a form of nourishment that only you can give to yourself and if you don’t learn the language of how that’s done, even on your last day here you will have remained a stranger to yourself and all those with whom you kept company.
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- Author Frank LaRue Owen
If you're tired of spinning: anchor. If you're tired of being pulled into dark waters of suffering: stop biting honey-covered hooks.
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- Author Frank LaRue Owen
Place the Heart-Mind's Trustworthy Light onto the Old Code of Good Travelers: The antidote to depression is devotion.
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- Author Frank LaRue Owen
When the soul becomes unburdened it's like a new saddle on a fresh horse. Suddenly the trail feels right again, and the strong horizon line in front of you as you turn becomes its own form of soothing medicine.
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- Author Frank LaRue Owen
Ponder for a moment that there is, in fact, a world beyond saving; that it is here, now, cascading swiftly toward its predictable end. Alongside it, also here-now, is another world, bright, eternal. Be part of that one.
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- Author Frank LaRue Owen
The old instruction still stands: Be full-of-care what you cast your eyes upon. Ignore that which does not help you or the world to bloom.
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- Author Frank LaRue Owen
Who's keeping score? Fade over the horizon, anonymous!
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- Author Frank LaRue Owen
It matters not if others realize you were really the rain falling on their parched and thirsty fields.
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- Author Frank LaRue Owen
I know the camel driver constantly hit you with sharp words when you were young, but he has moved on, and now you are the one with the whip in your hand.
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