216 Quotes by Frans de Waal

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  • Author Frans de Waal
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    Along with people in other creative professions, such as artists and musicians, many scientists experience this transcendence. I do so every day. For one, it's impossible to look an ape in the eye and not see oneself. There are other animals with frontally oriented eyes, but none that give you the shock of recognitions of the ape's. Looking back at you is not so much an animal but a personality as solid and willful as yourself.

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  • Author Frans de Waal
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    Along with people in other creative professions, such as artists and musicians, many scientists experience this transcendence. I do so every day. For one, it's impossible to look an ape in the eye and not see oneself. There are other animals with frontally oriented eyes, but none that give you the shock of recognition of the ape's. Looking back at you is not so much an animal but a personality as solid and willful as yourself.

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  • Author Frans de Waal
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    The power of autobiographical memories lies in their specificity. Colourful and alive, they can be actively called up and dwelled upon. They are reconstructions - which us why they are sometimes false - yet so powerful that they are accompanied by an extraordinary sense of their correctness.

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  • Author Frans de Waal
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    La comunicación permite a los miembros de una especie reunirse y coordinar sus vidas tanto en un sentido positivo, por ejemplo, en las tareas cooperativas de las abejas o de las jaurías de perros salvajes, como en un sentido negativo, por ejemplo, cuando un ruiseñor macho canta a pleno pulmón para mantener a los rivales fuera de su territorio.

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  • Author Frans de Waal
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    [T]he term 'nonhuman' grates on me, since it lumps millions of species together by an absence, as if they were missing something. Poor things, they are nonhuman! When students embrace this jargon in their writing, I cannot resist sarcastic corrections in the margin saying that for completeness's sake, they should add that the animals they are talking about are also nonpenguin, nonhyena, and a whole lot more.

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  • Author Frans de Waal
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    If people laugh at primates at the zoo, they do so, I suspect, precisely because they're unsettled by the mirror held up to them.

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