21 Quotes by Gavin Extence

  • Author Gavin Extence
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    Медитация, говорил он, учит полагаться на собственные силы и находить счастье в самом себе, особенно в сложные периоды жизни. Умение полагаться на собственные силы — это очень важная часть безбожной буддийской вселенной.

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  • Author Gavin Extence
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    When I read these books, I no longer felt like I was confined to a very tiny world. I no longer felt housebound and bedbound. Really, I told myself, I was just brainbound. And this was not such a sorry state of affairs. My brain, with a little help from other people's brains, could take me to some pretty interesting places, and create all kinds of wonderful things. Despite its faults, my brain, I decided, was not the worst place in the world to be.

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  • Author Gavin Extence
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    Acknowledging reality for myself was one thing. Having to explain what as happening - and what was going to happen - to another person was something else entirely. That would make it TOO real.

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  • Author Gavin Extence
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    You can't make anyone happy, just like no one else can make you happy. Because real happiness doesn't work like that. You have to learn to be happy on your own. Then you can start worrying about being happy with somebody else.

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  • Author Gavin Extence
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    They sent the shrink round yesterday. He's put me on Prozac. Prozac! He thinks I'm depressed.''Aren't you depressed?''I wasn't depressed.''You did try to kill yourself,' I pointed out.'Yes. That's what he said too. Apparently that's a classic symptom. It's not thought a sane plan of action for someone in my situation.

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  • Author Gavin Extence
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    Как и в других книгах Воннегута, сюжет «Завтрака для чемпионов» был каким-то рваным и бессвязным. Мне кажется, книгу можно было бы разобрать на страницы, перетасовать их, как колоду карт, и потом читать в произвольном порядке — роман от этого нисколько не пострадал бы. Дело в том, что каждая его страница, если не каждый абзац, выражает вполне самостоятельную и глубоко осмысленную идею.

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  • Author Gavin Extence
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    For us, it was never about death. It was about life. Knowing that there was a way out, and that his suffering was not going to become unendurable, was the one thing that allowed Mr. Peterson to go on living, much longer than he would have otherwise wanted. It was the weeks leading up to our pact that were shrouded in darkness and despair; after its inception, life became a meaningful prospect once more.

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  • Author Gavin Extence
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    [...] from what I'd been able to ascertain online, the Swiss were a reassuringly practical people. They had a long, proud history of staying out of wars, preferring to devote themselves to more constructive endeavours like science, secure banking and building extremely accurate clocks.

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  • Author Gavin Extence
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    Fear distorts the world. Fear sees demons where only shadows dwell.

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