48 Quotes by Gerald Celente

  • Author Gerald Celente
  • Quote

    Don't tell me to leave-you leave. If Obama, if Clinton, if Mittens Romney, if Rick Santorum, if Neutered Gingrich, if Herman '999 666' Cain, if Michelle Bachmann, if Sarah Palin, if Harry Reid-if any of these people want to tell me to leave because I don't believe their BS, come over and we can talk. You want to go man-to-man with me? We could go at it. Don't send one of your flunkies.

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  • Author Gerald Celente
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    Oh, do you want protectionism? No, I don't. I just don't want to give my country away to China.

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  • Author Gerald Celente
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    From Sunbelt to Rustbelt, North to South, East to West, once-thriving cities have become little more than drug-infested slums.

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  • Author Gerald Celente
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    We hear the same refrain all the time from people: I have no life. I get up in the morning, daycare, eldercare, a 40 minute commute to work. I have to work late. I get home at night, there's laundry, bills to pay, jam something into the microwave oven. I'm exhausted, I go to sleep, I wake up and the routine begins all over again. This is what life has become in America.

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  • Author Gerald Celente
  • Quote

    You heard Eric 'Kiddie' Cantor say that he was afraid of mob rule down on Wall Street. Oh, you're afraid, little cutie baby? How about going down there yourself and walking through the crowds?

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  • Author Gerald Celente
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    You're going to see crime levels in America that are going to rival that of a Third World country. Welcome Mexico City. You're going to start seeing people being kidnapped in this country like they do in other underdeveloping nations. It's going to be very violent in America.

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