5 Quotes by Hanzi Freinacht

  • Author Hanzi Freinacht
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    In plain English, you need to wrestle the doubts and accusations that it’s all just bullshit. And, needless to say, the majority of the work of the triple-H population is undeniably so. The reason that it’s so valuable to society is just that some of it isn’t bullshit and even a small percentage of genuine innovations of software, culture or lifestyle can have a huge impact. Still, you never quite know if you are the bullshitter or the hero, or if you are being sold utter bullshit.

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  • Author Hanzi Freinacht
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    At the micro-sociological level, most humans are doing better than ever. Yet there is so much confusion, sufferingand bitter resentment. How many beautiful, privileged people have I not heard whisper to me, late at night, that ifit were up to them, they would never have been born; that they are angry with the world; that they were let down;that they live with guilt and self-doubt; that their friends and families are hypocrites? These are signs of thealienation suffered by modern human beings.

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  • Author Hanzi Freinacht
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    People are hurt and afraid at a subtle psychological level—and are therefore self-absorbed, incapable of taking on larger perspectives and incapable of acting upon the very real long-term risks that threatening our global civilization. We must, at all cost, make the world population much, much happier in the deepest sense of the word.

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  • Author Hanzi Freinacht
  • Quote

    We can and should create a happy society,simply because we care. Unfortunately, I have found, this is not obvious to many professors of psychology, theologians, philosophers, economists and the like. Pond scum.

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