89 Quotes by Helen S. Rosenau

  • Author Helen S. Rosenau
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    Mapmaking: We get chances to make things different. But to take them we have to be willing to release old crap, not look back to see if it still needs us or to admit we still need it.

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  • Author Helen S. Rosenau
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    Ouch: Buddhism teaches: Humans suffer from the stories we tell ourselves. Those stories can engage us, comfort us, frighten us, motivate us, and keep us from change. They are worth unpacking and paying attention to.

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  • Author Helen S. Rosenau
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    Artisanal You: Create a menu from a planet of possibilities, not just the happy meal you ate when you were five. We need the whole range to become our whole selves.

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  • Author Helen S. Rosenau
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    Run With Me: Someday I hope, whatever your It is, you'll decide to shift your patterns. That you¹'l take your boat of self beyond the sight of land, with all the risk and danger that implies. Towards where the map warns of monsters. Tothe unknown edge and past it.

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  • Author Helen S. Rosenau
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    Karma Road: What joins us on this road is a thread of grace, that interweaving of joys and pain as we struggle and are wounded, heal and try again. We are connected by the tears and laughter we share, and the knowing we feel as we witness one another, each in our uniquely fallible way, trying to navigate the messy lessons life imposes.

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  • Author Helen S. Rosenau
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    Artisanal You: I hope you've found your favorite ways to be, whether that's gardening or teaching, kayaking or governing. I hope you're on a road that matters to you, and that you feel like you're getting somewhere.

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  • Author Helen S. Rosenau
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    Russian Dolls: I imagine a hurricane lamp: our holy beings struggling to see out through the soot and detritus of life.

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  • Author Helen S. Rosenau
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    Karma Road: Your Jewish Fairy Godmother's first commandment is: Ask for what you want. But the hidden one is commandment zero, Figure out what you want so you can ask for it. This can be used for Jews too.

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