40 Quotes by Imre Kertész
- Author Imre Kertész
You just sit there and tolerate it, the same way everything in this country is tolerated. Every deception, every lie, every bullet in the brains. Just as you are already tolerating bullets in the brains that will be implemented only after the bullet is put in your brains.
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- Author Imre Kertész
Kurti had believed in politics, and politics had deceived him, the way politics deceives everyone.
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- Author Imre Kertész
Por mucho que escuchara, siempre hablaban de lo mismo, la libertad, pero no decían ni una palabra de la sopa. Yo estaba, por supuesto, muy contento de que fuéramos libres, pero no podía evitar pensar que el día anterior no había ocurrido nada por el estilo, pero teníamos sopa.
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- Author Imre Kertész
The West in general should stand up more for its own values. It is not always worthwhile to compromise.
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- Author Imre Kertész
I can see the young man on dizzily autumn mornings, the fog of which he inhaled just like the rapidly evaporating freedom.
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- Author Imre Kertész
the confines of prison walls cannot impose boundaries on the flights of one’s fantasy
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- Author Imre Kertész
..., daß jenseits des Anekdotischen jede Geschichte und jedermanns Geschichte vom wesentlichen her gesehen gleichartig sei, und daß diese im wesentlichen gleichartigen Geschichten im wesentlichen tatsächlich alle Schreckensgeschichten seien, daß im wesentlichen alles Geschehen tatsächlich schrecklich sei und daß, im wesentlichen, auch die Geschichte schon seit langem nichts als höchstens eine Schreckensgeschichte sei.
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- Author Imre Kertész
Мога да заявя, че няма по-мъчително, по-разочароващо нещо от това ден след ден да следиш, ден след ден да откриваш какво е унищожено в тебе.
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- Author Imre Kertész
Een overlevingsstrategie die de morele grondvesten ondermijnt zou ik niet 'overleven' noemen maar 'zelfvernietiging', de aanvaarding van destructieve krachten.
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