9 Quotes by J.R. Nyquist

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  • Author J.R. Nyquist
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    Nietzsche warned that the tarantulas want to fill the world “with the storms of their justice.” Their “Will to Equality” has become the basis for a false system of valuation. Today’s tarantulas are better known as “social justice warriors.” They are, in Nietzsche’s words: “against all that hath power.” But this outcry against power masks the tarantulas’ very own lust for power.

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  • Author J.R. Nyquist
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    In quoting Nietzsche I am not endorsing his philosophy. Yet, when a man has good insights to offer, it is best to acknowledge them. The social justice warriors of the present day are not liberators. They are jailers. They are not helping women and minorities, they are destroying the country.

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  • Author J.R. Nyquist
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    Was it laziness or incompetence that Times reporters hadn’t by then participated in left-activist group-phone calls about bolt cutters, gasoline cans and matches? (I know a conservative journalist who listened in on such calls.) And what is the theory of these journalistic geniuses? — That mobs of looters, in city after city, were summoned out of the night by political apathy?

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  • Author J.R. Nyquist
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    Would we cut our ties to Europe? would we pull into ourselves? Polish researcher Andrew Lobaczewski once noted that, “In general … in hedonistic societies particularly, people have the tendency to escape into ignorance or naïve doctrines. Some people even feel contempt for suffering persons.”America must not have contempt for suffering persons. Soon enough, we will be among the sufferers. This is how we save ourselves and how nations have always saved themselves.

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  • Author J.R. Nyquist
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    This brief overview of our situation does not lend itself to an optimistic forecast. Too many of our fellow citizens, year after year, have hidden themselves in the “riskless private sphere,” resting on the safe possession of their “private property,” staying out of political controversies, yielding political ground to increasingly pathological narratives and persons. At long last this “riskless private sphere” is no longer safe. The exits have been blocked. A confrontation is now unavoidable.

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  • Author J.R. Nyquist
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    Since most whites are ashamed of America’s past treatment of blacks, they are susceptible to “white guilt.” This guilt is now being exploited to advance a communist agenda, as opposed to the color-blind agenda envisioned by conservatives. The political significance of this cannot be underestimated. According to Trevor Loudon, the organizations behind today’s revolutionary unrest are Maoist; that is, they are ideologically allied with the Chinese Communists in Beijing.

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  • Author J.R. Nyquist
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    Loudon replied: “When President Trump put tariffs on Chinese goods, the Chinese declared a ‘People’s War.’ This is a Maoist concept. It means a war of attrition on every front. It is harassment to exhaust the United States. They want to take over areas around cities and starve the cities. What they do in an urban setting is attack police stations and set up their own police. They are trying to use these areas as Maoist bases to eliminate the Republican Party in those states.

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  • Author J.R. Nyquist
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    If the Russians and Chinese appear to be preparing for war, respectively, against Ukraine and Taiwan, it is axiomatic that they are preparing to attack something much more substantial. Need we repeat the words of Sun Tzu?

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  • Author J.R. Nyquist
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    I believe this puts Golitsyn in a higher category than Nostradamus for two reasons. First, Golitsyn did not write obscure predictions in archaic French verse; and second, Golitsyn provided us with insights that dwarf Nostradamus’s trivialities. In fact, Golitsyn told us how the communists planned to take over the United States; and the communists have done almost everything he predicted.

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