21 Quotes by Jacques Attali

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  • Author Jacques Attali
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    in a society in which power is so abstract that it can no longer be seized, in which the worst threat people feel is solitude and not alienation, conformity to the norm becomes the pleasure of belonging, and the acceptance of powerlessness takes root in the comfort of repetition.

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  • Author Jacques Attali
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    The game of music thus resembles the game of power: monopolize the right to violence; provoke anxiety and then provide a feeling of security; provoke disorder and then propose order; create a problem in order to solve it.

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  • Author Jacques Attali
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    It thus became almost impossible to have one's music heard without first being profitable, in other words, without writing commercial works known to the bourgeoisie. To be successful, a musician first had to attract an audience as an interpreter: representation takes precedence over composition and conditions it. The only authorized composers were successful interpreters of the works of others.

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  • Author Jacques Attali
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    En 1947, la pile électrique et le transistor, innovations capitales, rendent portables la radio et le tourne-disque.Révolution majeure, car elles permettent au jeunes de danser hors des bals, donc hors de la présence des parents, libérant la sexualité, ouvrant à toutes nouvelles musiques, du jazz au rock, annonçant l'entrée des jeunes dans l'univers de la consommation, du désir, de la révolte.

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  • Author Jacques Attali
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    La grandeur du peuple juif, c'est justement d'apporter aux autres, même si les autres ne veulent pas entendre - c'est tikkun olam même pour ceux qui ne veulent pas entendre.[youtube, watch?v=jlVMft1jtiE]

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  • Author Jacques Attali
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    I am putting an artist within the reach of wallets in all legality, and I am extending his fame.

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