33 Quotes by James Carroll

  • Author James Carroll
  • Quote

    The very act of story-telling, of arranging memory and invention according to the structure of the narrative, is by definition holy. We tell stories because we can't help it. We tell stories because we love to entertain and hope to edify. We tell stories because they fill the silence death imposes. We tell stories because they save us.

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  • Author James Carroll
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    ...she had discovered within herself the unlikely gift for functioning with equilibrium and efficiency inside a full-blown, unending nightmare. [A Red Cross worker during WWII in Italy]

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  • Author James Carroll
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    Back home, this Catholic kid was accustomed to a Protestant culture's condescension, but here he could see for himself the world-historic glories of Catholicism... [A Catholic American soldier's reaction to seeing St. Peter's Basilica during WWII.]

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  • Author James Carroll
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    Por causa da "sombria simbiose" entre o antigo ódio cristão contra os judeus e o racismo moderno, o programa antijudaico de Hitler, mesmo no seu ponto extremo, simplesmente não era tão ofensivo para a ampla população de católicos.

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  • Author James Carroll
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    Os nazistas foram explícitos ao definir os judeus, desde o início, como o grupo rejeitado em relação ao qual a "totalidade" se definia a si própria. Se a Igreja não ficou ofendida por isso, foi porque o cristianismo tinha feito a mesma coisa.

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  • Author James Carroll
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    This programmable machining center will provide local area students with the opportunity to learn modern machining and programming, better preparing them for careers in manufacturing industries.

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  • Author James Carroll
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    Many people will assume I'm drawing a wildly idealistic portrait of what the church can become. I would argue that all of the changes I'm calling for are not only realistic, they're essential. And I'd also say that in some way or other, each of them is already underway.

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