91 Quotes by John Barrasso

  • Author John Barrasso
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    We need to save and strengthen and fix Medicare. Seniors realize Medicare is broken.

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  • Author John Barrasso
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    As the 2016 presidential race kicks off, candidates on both sides of the aisle are promising to stand up for the middle class. Voters deserve to know that anyone who champions Obamacare cannot honestly say she or he is also a champion of middle-class Americans.

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  • Author John Barrasso
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    I've operated on people from Canada that have come to Wyoming for me to take care of them because they couldn't afford to wait long enough for their free operation.

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  • Author John Barrasso
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    As a physician and a U.S. senator, I have warned since the very beginning about many troubling aspects of Mr. Obama's unprecedented health-insurance mandate. Not only does he believe he can order you to buy insurance, the president also incorrectly equates health insurance coverage with medical care.

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  • Author John Barrasso
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    I have to tell you as a doctor, 25 years of practice, not as a politician using talking points, as somebody who has taken care of Medicare patients, we can make it a lot better.

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  • Author John Barrasso
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    For people who don't know me, I practiced medicine in Casper, Wyoming for 25 years as an orthopedic surgeon, taking care of families in Wyoming. I've been chief of staff of the largest hospital in our state. My wife is a breast cancer survivor.

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  • Author John Barrasso
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    The CIA's resources should be focused on monitoring terrorists in caves-not polar bears on icebergs.

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  • Author John Barrasso
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    The failed stimulus, along with Obamacare's long list of failures, show what happens when Congress passes laws in a rush.

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  • Author John Barrasso
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    Illegal immigration continues to be a major problem in the United States. We have people waiting to come here legally. And we should not be rewarding people who have come here illegally.

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