171 Quotes by John Cheever

John Cheever Quotes By Tag

  • Author John Cheever
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    The image of a cleanly, self-possessed man exploiting his solitude was not easy to come by, but then he had not expected that it would be.

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  • Author John Cheever
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    I write to make sense of my life."-John Cheever, quoted in _Cheever - A Life_ (2009) by Blake Bailey

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  • Author John Cheever
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    This shit about being fearless before death ain't got no quality. How could you say you were fearless about leaving the party, even in stir—even franks and rice taste good when you're hungry, even an iron bar feels good to touch, it feels good to sleep. It's like a party even in maximum security and who wants to walk out of a party into something that nobody knows anything at all about?

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  • Author John Cheever
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    Su un tram affollato a Roma all'ora di chiusura una sera d'inverno, qualcuno per sbaglio mi tocca la spalla. Non mi giro a guardare chi è e non saprò mai se è un uomo o una donna, una sgualdrina o un prete, ma quel tocco delicato scatena in me un tale desiderio di tenerezza e di cura che sospiro; mi sento cedere le ginocchia. Non è un sospiro profumato di violette né uno spasimo chopinesco: è qualcosa di rozzo e reale come i peli sulla mia pancia

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  • Author John Cheever
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    Forse è la vita chiusa che facciamo qui, e la noia in cui ci imbattiamo quando cerchiamo di variarla. Queste abitudini, questi giorni come vestiti vecchi. Ieri un giorno di luce brillante, di brillantezza acustica: il tintinnio di ruote di treni lontani sui binari risuonava netto. Dolori da sinusite. Ho portato Ben in macchina sulla collina a vedere il tramonto, il buio terso, le colline, le luci lontane, le nuvole tinte, il cielo color lavanda e limone.

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  • Author John Cheever
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    Standing in the rain outside the door of Percy’s old house, we seemed bound together not by blood and not by love but by a sense that the world and its works were hostile.

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  • Author John Cheever
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    Percy must have perceived, early in her marriage, that her husband’s lechery was compulsive and incurable, but she was determined, like any other lover, to authenticate her suspicion.

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