25 Quotes by Johnny Corn

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  • Author Johnny Corn
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    We have a chance to do something extraordinary. As we head out of this pandemic we can change the world. Create a world of love. A world where we are kind to each other. A world were we are kind no matter what class, race, sexual orientation, what religion or lack of or what job we have. A world we don't judge those at the food bank because that may be us if things were just slightly different. Let love and kindness be our roadmap.

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  • Author Johnny Corn
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    ISIS stands for Islamic State In Syria. It's an acronym. ISIS is also the name of a bad ass Egyptian goddess. So for a group that is so anti woman I find it interesting and ironic that they named themselves after one

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  • Author Johnny Corn
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    It is not enough to say that you are upset with something if you don't do anything to change it. If you want to know who a person truly is see what they do. Do they only talk or do they actually walk the walk! What do they get involved with? Making the world better or trying to divide us by pitting us against each other. Beware of the person that tries to divide and conquer

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  • Author Johnny Corn
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    Now for some positivity. People talk about the replacement to the hand shake. Some say bow like they do in Japan and other say a wave and still others say a smile. No wrong idea. We could use a new gesture. Personally for me it's the peace sign! Stay strong. Look it is going to get really really bad! KNOW THAT. BUT also know that you are strong and you got this and the new world after, it will be awesome! YOU'LL see. Trust me!

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  • Author Johnny Corn
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    Accept each other. Love. Even if it is messy. Live with no regrets. Remember that diversity is our strength. We shouldn't be building walls, we should be tearing them down. Accept each other no matter who we love, how we pray or how we look.

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