292 Quotes by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Inner peace exists outside of time.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
As you begin befriending your breath, you see immediately that unawareness is everywhere.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Simply put, meditation is the path to clarity, compassion, and a path of wisdom leading to the eradication of suffering.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
We resonate with one another’s sorrows because we are interconnected. Being whole and simultaneously part of a larger whole, we can change the world simply by changing ourselves. If I become a center of love and kindness in this moment, then in a perhaps small but hardly insignificant way, the world now has a nucleus of love and kindness it lacked the moment before. This benefits me and it benefits others.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Another way to look at meditation is to view the process of thinking itself as a waterfall, a continual cascading of thought. In cultivating mindfulness we are going beyond or behind our thinking, much the way you might find a vantagepoint in a cave or depression in a rock behind a waterfall. We still see and hear the water, but we are out of the torrent.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Meditation does not involve trying to change your thinking by thinking some more. It involves watching thought itself. The watching is the holding. By watching your thoughts without being drawn into them, you can learn something profoundly liberating about thinking itself, which may help you to be less of a prisoner of those thought patterns (….)
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Non-doing simply means letting things be and allowing them to unfold in their own way.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Perhaps the most "spiritual" thing any of us can do is simply to look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act with integrity and kindness.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Anybody who is imitating somebody else, no matter who it us, is heading in the wrong direction. It is impossible to become like somebody else. Your only hope is to become more fully yourself.
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