210 Quotes by Jonah Goldberg

  • Author Jonah Goldberg
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    Liberals and leftists have been dismissing inconvenient facts by attacking motives for generations. In the 1930s, '40s, and '50s, Soviet spies and abettors attacked the motives of their accusers because the fact of their guilt was undeniable. In the 1960s, over a thousand psychiatrists who'd never even met Barry Goldwater signed a petition saying the GOP candidate was too mentally unstable to be president.

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  • Author Jonah Goldberg
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    There's nothing within science per se that says medical researchers must not experiment on human subjects; it is the imposition of ethical dogma that constrains the scientist.

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  • Author Jonah Goldberg
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    It was in the 1960s that the left convinced itself that there is something fascistic about patriotism and something perversely "patriotic" about running down America. Anti-Americanism - a stand-in for hatred of Western civilization - became the stuff of sophisticates and intellectuals as never before. Flag burners became the truest "patriots" because dissent - not just from partisan politics, but the American project itself - became the highest virtue.

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  • Author Jonah Goldberg
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    Hollywood's martyr-mythology leaves out the fact that the famed Hollywood Ten, for example, were in fact members of the Communist Party, which advocated the violent overthrow of the U.S. government in violation of the Smith Act and which took orders directly from Moscow.

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  • Author Jonah Goldberg
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    As a broad generalization, big businesses have no moral objections to being whores. Getting into bed with Uncle Sam is all a question of price, not principle.

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  • Author Jonah Goldberg
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    Liberty has turned into licentiousness, and tolerance for dissenters has become little more than rank relativism and nihilism. All perspectives are equally valid, which means no perspective is truly valid.

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  • Author Jonah Goldberg
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    The search for a moral equivalent of war continues to define American liberalism to this day.

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  • Author Jonah Goldberg
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    [A] country without a word to describe its love for what is best within it is a country ill-equipped to defend what is best within it.

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  • Author Jonah Goldberg
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    Men are disgusting and, left to their own devices, they will affront the central tenets of human decency - and laugh uproariously at it

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