17 Quotes by Jonathan Adelstein

  • Author Jonathan Adelstein
  • Quote

    Since I arrived at the commission, we have greatly stepped up our enforcement against indecent broadcasts, ... I expect that stepped-up actions like those we take today will convince broadcasters that they cannot ignore their responsibility to serve the public interest and to avoid the broadcast of indecent material over the public airwaves.

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  • Author Jonathan Adelstein
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    I was stunned by the scope. The public has a right to know who is trying to persuade them.

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  • Author Jonathan Adelstein
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    I am alarmed by reports that data brokers are obtaining and selling customers' personal telephone records without the customers' consent or knowledge. These records can include some of the most private personal information about an individual. Finding out who people are calling and for how long can be like picking someone's brain about their friends, plans or business dealings.

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  • Author Jonathan Adelstein
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    I believe this payola scandal may represent the most widespread and flagrant violation of any FCC rules in the history of American broadcasting, ... Mr. Spitzer's office has collected a mountain of evidence on the potentially illegal promotion practices of not only Sony BMG, but also other major record companies, independent promoters and several of the largest radio station groups.

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  • Author Jonathan Adelstein
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    It is certain to strike fear in the hearts of news and documentary makers, and broadcasters that air them, which could chill the future expression of constitutionally protected speech.

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  • Author Jonathan Adelstein
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    These records can include some of the most private personal information about an individual. Finding out who people are calling and for how long can be like picking someone's brain about their friends, plans or business dealings.

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  • Author Jonathan Adelstein
  • Quote

    These new horizons in radio broadcasting should correspond to new horizons in serving the public interest.

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