21 Quotes by Jonathan Odell

  • Author Jonathan Odell
  • Quote

    Sometimes you got to lie on the outside to keep your voice loud on the inside. We don’t owe the master the truth. He owes us. Nothing comes from the master. He is the thief in the night. He steals it all. And every time we have to say ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir,’ he steals some more. But we can survive it, if we stay loud in here,” she said, throwing a fist hard against her breast.

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  • Author Jonathan Odell
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    The biggest thing the white man takes from us ain’t our bodies. He takes our voices, too. He swallows up our yes’s and no’s like biscuits. But one day our yes’s and no’s will be so loud and strong they will lodge in his throat. He will have to spit them out to keep from choking. He will starve. There won’t be nothing left of him except the shadows he casts on the deadest night.

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  • Author Jonathan Odell
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    Woman is the way God says yes in this here world. He put the promise on us. The woman carries ‘In the beginning’ in her body. And every month God will use your blood to wash the moon so the beginning time can begin again. When you get to be a woman you got to carry the promise with respect, and honor all the mothers who passed it down to us.

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  • Author Jonathan Odell
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    No, now the domestic market is full up with other planters' troublesome slaves. Our only salvation is to scientifically breed a stable order of docile Negro. I've come up with three tenets: Isolation. Religion. Family...." Master Ben

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  • Author Jonathan Odell
  • Quote

    It shames me to admit that in the white-defined society in which I was raised, blacks were considered merely background. This was worse than physical segregation. This was psychological segregation. It wasn't that we were taught not to associate with blacks: close association was unavoidable. Instead, we were taught to see half the population not as individuals but as functionaries - maids, yardmen, etc.

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  • Author Jonathan Odell
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    It’s always ‘In the beginning’ with God. Our God is sure enough a starting-over God.

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  • Author Jonathan Odell
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    They was just starving people is all. I fed them. Talked to them. Listened. That ain’t hoodoo. Just plain sense. The magic weren’t in the food. It was in the seeing.

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