14 Quotes by Jonathan V. Last
- Author Jonathan V. Last
Anyone can dig a ditch. There's no way to dig smarter. Or dig faster. Having a baby is like being assigned to dig a ditch. That goes all the way to the horizon.
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- Author Jonathan V. Last
A man with no children can easily be lulled into a sense that time is standing still. It's not. It's marching past us, relentlessly. Having a child growing and changing before your eyes makes this unavoidably clear.
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- Author Jonathan V. Last
when fertility rates began collapsing in the late 1960s, another demographic transition was occurring, the result of a fundamental restructuring: People no longer put children at the center of their lives. Instead, they put themselves there.
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- Author Jonathan V. Last
To raise a child is to submit to a staggering amount of work, much of which is deeply unpleasant. It would be crazy to have children if they weren't so damned important.
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- Author Jonathan V. Last
Since the late 1970s, 163 million female babies have been aborted by parents seeking sons.
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