707 Quotes by Julian Barnes

  • Author Julian Barnes
  • Quote

    The mechanism of natural selection depends on the survival, not of the strongest, nor the most intelligent, but of the most adaptable.

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  • Author Julian Barnes
  • Quote

    When we fall in love, we hope - both egotistically and altruistically - that we shall be finally, truly seen: judged and approved. Of course, love does not always bring approval: being seen may just as well lead to a thumbs-down and a season in hell.

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  • Author Julian Barnes
  • Quote

    You may say, But wasn't this the Sixties? Yes, but only for some people, only in certain parts of the country.

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  • Author Julian Barnes
  • Quote

    Op het erf van de boerderij zag je soms de meest onwaarschijnlijke vormen van verbondenheid - de gans verliefd op de ezel, het katje veilig spelend tussen de poten van de vervaarlijke kettinghond. En op het erf van de mensheid bestonden vormen van verbondenheid die al even onwaarschijnlijk, en toch, voor de betrokkenen, nooit absurd waren.

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  • Author Julian Barnes
  • Quote

    Mas o tempo… o tempo primeiro fixa-nos e depois confunde-nos. Pensávamos que estávamos a ser adultos quando estávamos só a ser prudentes. Imaginávamos que estávamos a ser responsáveis, mas estávamos só a ser cobardes. Aquilo a que chamávamos realismo acabava por ser uma maneira de evitar as coisas e não de as enfrentar. Tempo… deem-nos tempo suficiente e as nossas decisões mais fundamentadas parecerão instáveis e as nossas certezas, bizarras.

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  • Author Julian Barnes
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    Ma se nostalgia significa il ricordo potente di un'emozione forte, e il rimpianto di non ritrovare più sensazioni del genere nella vita, allora mi dichiaro colpevole.da "Il senso di una fine

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  • Author Julian Barnes
  • Quote

    Our nights are different. She falls asleep like someone yielding to the gentle tug of a warm tide, and floats with confidence till morning. I fall asleep more grudgingly, thrashing at the waves, either reluctant to let a good day depart or still bitching about a bad one. Different currents run through our spells of unconsciousness.

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