29 Quotes by Julien Green

Julien Green Quotes By Tag

  • Author Julien Green
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    A cidade, efectivamente, sorri apenas àqueles que se aproximam dela e que deambulam pelas suas ruas; a esses, ela fala numa linguagem tranquilizadora e familiar, mas a alma de Paris só se revela de longe e do alto, e é no silêncio do céu que se escuta o imenso grito patético de orgulho e de fé que ela eleva na direcção das nuvens.

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  • Author Julien Green
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    Bom ou mau, aquilo que sai da Paris é Paris, seja uma carta, um pedaço de pão, um par de sapatos ou um poema.

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  • Author Julien Green
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    ...quando me passeio por Passy parece-me que deambulo por dentro de mim mesmo e que tropeço incessantemente na minha infância.

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  • Author Julien Green
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    A alma de uma grande cidade não se deixa apreender facilmente; é preciso, para se comunicar com ela, termo-nos aborrecido, termos de algum modo sofrido nos lugares que a circunscrevem.

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  • Author Julien Green
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    I enter the world called real as one enters a mist. Our life is a book that writes itself and whose principal themes sometimes escape us. We are like characters in a novel who do not always understand what the author wants of them. I don't want to go on playing in a world where everyone cheats. Where everyone cheats - not only men and women, but sometimes even God.

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  • Author Julien Green
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    A volte scriveva, ma era un’occupazione che lo stancava un po’, e poi non concepiva l’idea di gustarsi la gioia di pensare mettendo per iscritto le fantasticherie della mente, a meno che quella fatica non gli avesse permesso di guadagnarsi da vivere. Era convinto che in genere le idee più felici non tollerano di essere espresse, giacché perdono tutta la loro originaria freschezza e appassiscono non appena vengono affidate alla penna. (L'inferno)

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  • Author Julien Green
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    If people only knew what lies at the heart of my novels! What a tumult of desires these carefully written pages conceal! I sometimes have a loathing for the furious cravings that give me no peace except when I am working.

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  • Author Julien Green
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    The greatest explorer on this earth never takes voyages as long as those of the man who descends to the depth of his heart.

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  • Author Julien Green
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    I have always thought that by observing things with a great deal of attention you eventually wrest some of their secrets from them, making them utter what they would most like to keep to themselves.

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