12 Quotes by Karen Amanda Hooper
Karen Amanda Hooper Quotes By Tag
- Author Karen Amanda Hooper
Dear Judy Blume, why didn’t you write a book about how to survive talking to your centuries-old, super-duper experienced, smoking-hot soul mate about sex for the first time ever? That book would have been extremely helpful in preparing me for this incredibly awkward situation.
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- Author Karen Amanda Hooper
Never did an eye see the sun unless it had first become sun-like, and never can the soul have vision of the First Beauty unless itself be beautiful.
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- Author Karen Amanda Hooper
We all have regrets. Anyone who says they have none is a liar, and anyone who thinks they'll live without acquiring some is a fool.
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- Author Karen Amanda Hooper
Because sometimes, fantasy is the only way to survive reality." Awol
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- Author Karen Amanda Hooper
Sex is a sacred act which sadly, over the past few decades, has been demeaned and demoralized until it means almost nothing to most people. Veray few still appreciate the emotional and spiritual connection that can and should take place when two bodies and souls are joined together.
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- Author Karen Amanda Hooper
When you heart and soul are in it, making love is not just special, Maryah-- it's magical.
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- Author Karen Amanda Hooper
I'm amazed and disheartened at how quickly adolescents lose their innocence nowadays. Everyone is in such a rush to give themselves over to someone physically without truly knowing the person to whom they are entrusting with their body and emotions
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- Author Karen Amanda Hooper
Screw the rules, damn the consequences, and just love. Love until it kills you, because there's nothing better worth dying for.
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- Author Karen Amanda Hooper
You don’t think I’d throw you in there while you’re conscious do you? I’d never do something so evil.” He drew a heart on my palm with his finger.
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