17 Quotes by Karma Brown

  • Author Karma Brown
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    I think I used to be like those houses - once new and fresh and holding great promise - but was now much more like the current versions. Run-down and imperfect but somehow still functioning if not sagging a little to the left.

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  • Author Karma Brown
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    Rose Caramels2 1/2 cups sweet milk1 teaspoon vanilla extract2 teaspoons chopped dried rose petals1/2 c up molasses1 cup granulated sugarHeat milk, vanilla, and rose petals in a small saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain petals and cool milk mixture. Then in separate saucepan boil molasses, sugar, and milk mixture for 15 to 20 minutes. Poor mixture into greased tin and cut into small squares once cooled. An excellent hostess gift!

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  • Author Karma Brown
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    Rose Caramels2 1/2 cups sweet milk1 teaspoon vanilla extract2 teaspoons chopped dried rose petals1/2 c up molasses1 cup granulated sugarHeat milk, vanilla, and rose petals in a small saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain petals and cool milk mixture. Then in separate saucepan boil molasses, sugar, and milk mixture for 15 to 20 minutes. Pour mixture into greased tin and cut into small squares once cooled. An excellent hostess gift!

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  • Author Karma Brown
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    Alice made a simple supper of Welsh rarebit (toast points smothered in a sauce of cheddar, cream, dry mustard, and spices) with tomato slices, from Nellie's cookbook, and barbecued sausages, along with a "fluffy white cake" that turned out not to be that fluffy but was still delicious.

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  • Author Karma Brown
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    You have a right to change your present if it doesn't fit with the future you envision.

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  • Author Karma Brown
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    the hardest question we have to ask ourselves in this life is, "Who am I?" Ideally, we answer it for ourselves, but be warned that others will strive to do it for you- so don't let them.

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  • Author Karma Brown
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    Can you grab the butter out of the fridge?"It was as hard as a rock. She tried pressing her fingertips into its surface, leaving shallow indentations in the foil wrapper as the butter yielded little. "I'll need to wait for this to soften.""You can grate it.""Like, with a cheese grater? Really?"Nate nodded. "A trick I learned from my mom. Works like a charm.""Huh, who knew?

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  • Author Karma Brown
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    The best time to harvest herbs was after the early-morning dew dried, and Nellie had a long list of things to do, starting with her herb garden. While the sun rose higher and Richard kept sleeping, Nellie used her kitchen shears to trim leaves and stalks from her herb plants to later dry for her seasoning mix. Rosemary. Sage. Parsley. Dill. Lemon balm. Mint. Marjoram.

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