23 Quotes by Kenny Weiss
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- Author Kenny Weiss
But I understand why we don’t want to hear it—because right now, it is the only way we know how to overcome the trauma we suffered. We refuse to see the reality because we need the power we get from being the victim; it is the only coping skill we know. We can only do what we know. And that is precisely why I chose to write this book. It is time we face our denial and learn another way.
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- Author Kenny Weiss
That is why, in general, positive thinking is not as important as learning to feel positively, because our thoughts about a situation are derived from what we are feeling.
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- Author Kenny Weiss
Being controlling, being judgmental, or always having to be right are other ways that adults may inflict trauma on children.
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- Author Kenny Weiss
The abandonment I suffered from my parents created a neural pathway that sends me into massive self-victimization.
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- Author Kenny Weiss
Due to the trauma, we experience the fear of rejection, inadequacy, and/or the fear of powerlessness itself.
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- Author Kenny Weiss
The true gut reaction is when we make a decision and we know in our gut it was the right thing to do. There is no negativity or fear of unknowns. We don’t question our decision. When it’s a trauma gut reaction, we know something doesn’t feel right. We make a decision based on that, but we second-guess ourselves.
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- Author Kenny Weiss
If our life isn’t where we want it, it’s because we have experienced an emotional marker that fires repeatedly and has created a system that is working against us.
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- Author Kenny Weiss
No matter what kind of trauma we experienced as a child, we replay that loop through our choices of friends, hobbies, careers, and relationships.
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- Author Kenny Weiss
When we become an expert in our trauma history and know how we self-victimize and drop into denial, we have an opportunity to create a new reality with a new neural pathway in our brain.
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