6 Quotes by Laura Reiff
- Author Laura Reiff
We need a legal vehicle for people to come in.
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- Author Laura Reiff
We don't have people here to do the jobs that need to be done.
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- Author Laura Reiff
This system is very, very broken. We need a comprehensive reform bill that will deal with the real economic demand for immigrant labor.
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- Author Laura Reiff
We're in a bad crunch right now. We are totally jammed on immigrant visas, the green card category, and totally jammed on H-1B visas. You can't bring in tech workers right now.
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- Author Laura Reiff
It's incumbent over the next 10 days to get Senator Feinstein on board.
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- Author Laura Reiff
If you start looking into the validity of documents that on their face appear valid, the new hire can charge you with discrimination.
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