8 Quotes by Laurell K Hamilton

  • Author Laurell K Hamilton
  • Quote

    Patience is a virtue, but there comes a moment when you must stop being patient and take the day by the throat and shake it. If it fights back; fine. I'd rather end up bloody at the end of the day, then unhurt with no progress made, no knowledge gained. I'd rather have a no, then nothing. I'd forgotten that about myself.

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  • Author Laurell K Hamilton
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    having the people you love tell you they love you and mean it . . . it never goes out of style. Since we're made in God's image, this must be from Him, so even God must need an 'atta boy,' an out-loud, in-your-head 'Thank you, great job on that sunset, and the platypus was a birlliant fun idea.' Maybe that's why we're supposed to pray the way we do, because without it God would be lonely

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  • Author Laurell K Hamilton
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    For whatever reason, I made the Goblin Queen nervous. Kurag had proposed marriage once upon a time, but I think it was desire for sidhe magic in the goblin bloodline more than true desire for me. Oh, Kurag would fuck me if I'd let him, but that wasn't much of a compliment. Kurag would probably have fucked anything if it held still long enough.

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  • Author Laurell K Hamilton
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    Ronnie indossava calzoncini porpora e una T-shirt che diceva: AL DI FUORI DEL CANE, IL LIBRO è IL MIGLIOR AMICO DELL'UOMO. DENTRO IL CANE, è TROPPO BUIO PER LEGGERE.

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  • Author Laurell K Hamilton
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    [...] mi crollò in grembo, costringendomi a tenerlo tra le braccia mentre piangeva, squassato da spasmi e singhiozzi, come se fosse letteralmente straziato e squartato dal dolore, eppure in silenzio, senza un grido, senza un gemito, quasi che gli fosse stato insegnato a non attirare troppo l’attenzione sulla propria sofferenza. Se fai troppo rumore, vengono a cercarti per scoprire perché piangi.

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