42 Quotes by Lee Smolin
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- Author Lee Smolin
Some string theorists prefer to believe that string theory is too arcane to be understood by human beings, rather than consider the possibility that it might just be wrong.
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- Author Lee Smolin
One possibility is: God is nothing but the power of the universe to organize itself.
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- Author Lee Smolin
When it comes to revolutionizing science, what matters is quality of thought, not quantity of true believers.
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- Author Lee Smolin
On the way, I shared the backseat of Feyerabend's little sports car with the inflatable raft he kept there in case an 8-point earthquake came while he was on the Bay Bridge.
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- Author Lee Smolin
It is interesting to note that the quantum-mechanical revolution was made by a virtually orphaned generation of scientists. Many members of the generation above them had been slaughtered in World War I. There simply weren't many senior scientists around to tell them they were crazy.
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- Author Lee Smolin
There was a sense that the one true theory had been discovered. Nothing else was important or worth thinking about. Seminars devoted to string theory sprang up at many of the major universities and research institutes. At Harvard, the string theory seminar was called the Postmodern Physics seminar. This appellation was not meant ironically.
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- Author Lee Smolin
Science is not about what’s true. It’s about what people with originally diverse viewpoints can be forced to believe by way of public evidence.
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- Author Lee Smolin
General relativity predicts that time ends inside black holes because the gravitational collapse squeezes matter to infinite density.
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- Author Lee Smolin
When we human beings hypothesize that a law of nature holds - even temporarily or situationally - we are creating an idea, but we are also making a hypothesis about how nature behaves, whose truth or usefulness has nothing to do with what we know or believe.
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