185 Quotes by Lindy West

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  • Author Lindy West
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    There's a type of person who thinks he's getting away with something by not believing in anything. But not believing in anything IS believing in something. It's active, not passive. To believe in nothing is to change nothing. It means you're endorsing the present, and the present is a horror[...] Irreverence is the ultimate luxury item.

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  • Author Lindy West
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    When I was finally ready to stand out, the realization that the mainstream didn't want me was freeing and galvanizing. It gave me something to fight for. It taught me that women are an army.

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  • Author Lindy West
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    Reality TV, as we all know by now, is scripted. This is the most frightening vestige of President Trump's TV career: in his world, reality doesn't dictate the script; the script dictates reality. When reality doesn't favor or flatter him ,he simply says what he wants to be true. And in the minds of his fanatics - absolutely blitzed on a decade or three of antimedia, antiacademia, paranoiac propaganda - it becomes true. It's a kind of magic.

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