25 Quotes by Lloyd C. Douglas

Lloyd C. Douglas Quotes By Tag

  • Author Lloyd C. Douglas
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    Our life is like a land journey, too even and easy and dull over long distances across the plains, too hard and painful up the steep grades; but, on the summits of the mountain, you have a magnificent view--and feel exalted--and your eyes are full of happy tears--and you want to sing--and wish you had wings! And then--you can't stay there, but must continue your journey--you begin climbing down the other side, so busy with your footholds that your summit experience is forgotten.

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  • Author Lloyd C. Douglas
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    Perhaps this general degradation was the result of too much crowding, too little privacy, too much noise. You couldn't be decent if you weren't intelligent; you couldn't be intelligent if you couldn't think—and who could think in all this racket? Add the stench to the confusion of cramped quarters, and who could be self-respecting?

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  • Author Lloyd C. Douglas
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    I never thought much about flowers until I made the close acquaintance of a man who knew all about them. You would have thought that the butterflies and flowers were friends of his. 'See how richly they are clad,' he said. 'Even King Solomon did not have such raiment.

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  • Author Lloyd C. Douglas
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    It is a queer thing. In a time of great need, when powerful leadership is demanded, the people—confused and excited—hear only the strident voices of the audacious, and refuse to listen to the voice of wisdom which, being wise, is temperate.

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  • Author Lloyd C. Douglas
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    For many years a tree might wage a slow and silent warfare against an encumbering wall, without making any visible progress. One day the wall would topple--not because the tree had suddenly laid hold upon some supernormal energy, but because its patient work of self-defense and self release had reached fulfillment. The long-imprisoned tree had freed itself. Nature had had her way.

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  • Author Lloyd C. Douglas
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    Viața noastră e ca o călătorie pe pământ: prea ușoară și monotonă de-a lungul întinselor câmpii, prea dură și neplăcută pe pantele abrupte; dar pe înălțimile munților te bucuri de o priveliște minunată, te simți exaltat, ochii se umplu de lacrimi, ai vrea să cânți, ai vrea să ai aripi. Dar nu poți să rămâi acolo, trebuie să-ți continui călătoria și începi să cobori pe partea cealaltă, atât de preocupat să alegi locul în care să-ți pui piciorul încât uiți plăcerea încercată pe culmi

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