14 Quotes by Loretta Nyhan

  • Author Loretta Nyhan
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    It occurred to me that grief is like a tunnel. You enter it without a choice because you must get to the other side. The darkness of it plays tricks on you and sometimes you can even forget where you are or what your purpose is. I believe that people, now and again, get lost or stuck in that tunnel and never find their way out.

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  • Author Loretta Nyhan
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    Pick a few things you don’t want to let slide, and let the rest sort itself out,” he said gently after one particularly rough day. “When someone leaves this world, everything else gets jostled because of the empty space. You’re gonna land in the wrong spot for a while. Sooner or later, you’ll find where you fit again.

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  • Author Loretta Nyhan
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    Everything can be learned, you know? Some people learn sooner, others later. Not a big deal if the outcome is the same.

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  • Author Loretta Nyhan
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    Carly took a breath, gearing up. “You’ve never made a decision in your life. Think about it. Things happen to you and you react. You let people steer you one way, and then another, and then another, like you’re a shopping cart with a wonky wheel. Don’t fool yourself, Lee, that’s not making a decision.” “That.

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  • Author Loretta Nyhan
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    What do you think people should say to someone who’s just lost a loved one? I don’t think there are many options.” Petra thought for a moment. “If you knew the person who died, I think you should share a memory, something you don’t think they’d know about. The wilder the better.” “And if you didn’t know the person who died?” “Then you should ask for a good memory that best describes him or her. Let the grieving person have a moment with that person again.

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  • Author Loretta Nyhan
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    He was downing kombucha like a Brooklyn hipster on a bender and pacing the hallways endlessly.

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  • Author Loretta Nyhan
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    That’s the beauty of a garden,” she said. “Some stuff works, some stuff doesn’t, and some stuff you think isn’t working ends up producing the following year. Keeps you living in a constant state of suspense, so whatever comes, you’re grateful for it.

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  • Author Loretta Nyhan
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    When you give something meaning, it’s worth remembering. We filter out the stuff that doesn’t touch our heart.

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