568 Quotes by Lucy Maud Montgomery
- Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
Nathan always believed his wife was trying to poison him but he didn't seem to mind. He said it made life kind of exciting.
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- Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
I like to hear a storm at night. It is so cosy to snuggle down among the blankets and feel that it can't get at you.
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- Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
Welcome, Anne. I thought you'd come today. You belong to the afternoon so it brought you. Things that belong together are sure to come together. What a lot of trouble that would save some people if they only knew it. But they don't...and so they waste beautiful energy moving heaven and earth to bring things together that don't belong.
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- Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
Despair is a free man--hope is a slave.
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- Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
It's the fools that make all the trouble in the world, not the wicked.
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- Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
The only thing I envy about a cat is its purr," remarked Dr. Blythe once, listening to Doc's resonant melody. "It is the most contented sound in the world.
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- Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
It was November--the month of crimson sunsets, parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea, passionate wind-songs in the pines. Anne roamed through the pineland alleys in the park and, as she said, let that great sweeping wind blow the fogs out of her soul.
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- Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
That's all the freedom we canhope for - the freedom to choose our prison. [...]
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- Author Lucy Maud Montgomery
But I believe I rather like superstitious people. They lend color to life. Wouldn't it be a rather drab world if everybody was wise and sensible . . . and good? What would we find to talk about?
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