4 Quotes by M.R. Pilot

  • Author M.R. Pilot
  • Quote

    Traders are left alone because they keep Verbena afloat, but those without an emblem? They’re either dangerous or risking danger. Since we’re going the same way, would it be a bother if I accompany you?’An odd sentiment coming from one who appears to be a lone traveler on foot. But odd does not equate to false.‘You don’t have an emblem. Does that mean you’re dangerous?’His lips curl slightly, as if he’s amused.

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  • Author M.R. Pilot
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    Safer than being a mouse in a barrel of snakes, that's for sure. Be on the lookout for mice friends, who are really just snakes waiting to shed their skin.

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  • Author M.R. Pilot
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    Am I following you? Hmm. I don’t think so. Is the moth’s intent to follow the flame? I don’t know that either. But I can understand why the moth is drawn in by the flame. It’s intriguing, isn’t it? How something with the potential for such destruction can dance around with the innocence of a child?

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