25 Quotes by Madeline Sheehan

Madeline Sheehan Quotes By Tag

  • Author Madeline Sheehan
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    The difference between a self-induced orgasm and an orgasm given by a man is like comparing a rainy day and a rain storm. Rain was a sure thing, you knew exactly what you were going to get: a clean and crisp, both sweet and refreshing experience. But rainstorms were unpredictable, they were riddled with surprises, messy and wet; they were something you had no control over.

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  • Author Madeline Sheehan
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    Whatever this shit is between us it’s always been there and it’s always gonna be there. I’m shit-fuckin’-tired tryin’ to ignore it. I’ll try to do right by you Eva, you’d be the first, but I’ll fuckin’ try my damndest. And baby, true freedom is the open road, the wind on your face and a good woman on the back of your bike holdin’ you tight like you’re her reason for breathin’ because she sure as fuck is yours.

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  • Author Madeline Sheehan
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    Hey," I said softly and cupped his cheek."Yeah?"“What about your dream?”His face went dimples. “I’m lookin’ at it, darlin’.”Oh. Crap. My heart felt near bursting. I was absolutely done for. This man owned me, body and soul, and everything in between.

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  • Author Madeline Sheehan
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    Your mother holds you skin on skin and when you enter this world, feeds you with her own body; skin on skin. Your father runs his fingers over your tear stained cheek, presses his lips to your forehead; skin on skin. You make love, skin on skin with a man you love, a beautiful man. And then, if you’re lucky your own baby will enter this world and you’ll hold her skin on skin, feed her with your body skin on skin. It’s a magical thing.

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  • Author Madeline Sheehan
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    All scars tell a story, beautiful girl,” he said, releasing me to trace the marks on my stomach. “Yours are tellin’ me how healthy and f*ckin’ perfect my kid is gonna be.”A tear slid out of the corner of my eye. “Shut up,” I whispered.“And mine,” he said softly, grabbing my hand, trailing my palm across his cheek and then his chest. “Tell the story of how I found you.

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  • Author Madeline Sheehan
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    Le tendió la mano.—Mi nombre es Deuce, cariño. Mi viejo aquí es La Parca. Fue agradable hablar contigo.Ella puso su pequeña mano en la suya y él la apretó.—Eva —susurró—. Ese es mi nombre y fue muy, muy bueno conocerte a ti, también.Él sonrió.Ella sonrió.El resto es jodidamente historia.

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  • Author Madeline Sheehan
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    Could just feed 'im to the dogs, Prez," Bucket drawled. "Wouldn't have to feed 'em for a whole fuckin' month after that."Dirty rolled his eyes. Bucket was full of shit; the club didn't have any dogs.

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  • Author Madeline Sheehan
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    You got no idea what you just messed with. No fuckin clue. You think you know but you fuckin don't cuz I didn't tell you shit about it cuz it's none of your fuckin business.

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