15 Quotes by Major Mike Russell
- Author Major Mike Russell
Our brains were meant to be challenged. Don't spoil them with foreign chemical intoxicants for they will lead you down a road to nowhere with lots of pain and misery to go with you. You'll also lose your drive to do amazing things in this life and who wants that?
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- Author Major Mike Russell
Liars only come into your life when they want money or something from you personally or basically something of a monetary value. Remember to recognize it and don't give them anything and ignore them. They'll eventually leave and seek gain from someone else.
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- Author Major Mike Russell
It's critical that we exercise daily, take our vitamins, and eat a healthy diet during this life. It's the only way to live a long fulfilling life you can enjoy.
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- Author Major Mike Russell
In this day and age with smartphones and all (i.e., 2021), if a person cannot get back to you within 24 hours or at least a day or two, when you communicate with them about something important to you, then you're obviously low on their priority list. Therefore, it's time for you to move them to the bottom of your list as well. Save your face in this race.
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- Author Major Mike Russell
You'll notice that I'll never make a quote about assholes and/or dicks in life. End of story. Dead-end. Avoid like the plague. They always multiply. They're truly the most insecure people on this planet. That pretty much says it all. In conclusion, ignore them with all your might. Never give them your energy.
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- Author Major Mike Russell
In order to keep on living a fulfilling life, we must continue to seek ways to give back to others.
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