106 Quotes by Manoj Arora
- Author Manoj Arora
A smart investor is excited about the returns one gets from a bull market, and super excited about low cost investment one makes in a bear market. Its a win-win both ways !Volatility is an investor's best friend !
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- Author Manoj Arora
Your wealth is not defined by your capacity to accumulate, rather by your capacity to give away.
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- Author Manoj Arora
There is neither a shortcut, nor any secret to becoming rich.But there is a process to becoming rich - a process that demands discipline, commitment, consistency, perseverance & character of the highest order.
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- Author Manoj Arora
When your kids have school summer holidays, and you can match your schedule to meet their time demands for the entire holiday period, that is your money at work for you - aka Financial Freedom
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- Author Manoj Arora
We keep fighting our battles in life. Perhaps, the biggest & longest battle we will ever fight is the battle for our own freedom. In the end, the results are far beyond human imagination.
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- Author Manoj Arora
Intrinsic Value Calculations for Stocks are only for a selected few. It is boring, mundane hard work.For everyone else who wants to make money, there is the 'Greater Fool Theory', and it also works remarkably well in the real world.You may not believe it, but there always exists a bigger or greater fool willing to pay a higher price.
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- Author Manoj Arora
Mutual Funds do not allow for your intellectual growth, Stocks do. And in life, wealth always catches up with your intellect
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- Author Manoj Arora
Not money, Not skills, but Time is the biggest lever for massive wealth creation
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- Author Manoj Arora
Money has the power to buy you things. But a much bigger power of money is in generating more money for you. Those who are able to manifest the latter, are never short of it.
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