181 Quotes by Mario Batali
Mario Batali Quotes By Tag
- Author Mario Batali
Nothing that would be as artistic as any of the four restaurants I have in the city. If I was to do anything in Las Vegas, for instance, it would have to be... idiot-proof. And I still haven't decided if I'm capable of that.
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- Author Mario Batali
The minimum time spent in any one restaurant should be a year, no matter what. You may feel that you're done earlier, but it's truly in a year that you learn the discipline and technical things you need to know about a particular restaurant.
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- Author Mario Batali
I'm not gonna tell anybody but of course I'm worried. I'm working every hour of every day. This is my main event.
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- Author Mario Batali
I like the history of the Daytona 500. It's like the Kentucky Derby of car racing.
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- Author Mario Batali
I just was introduced to the writings of Lucius Beebe, and I'm going to read him.
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- Author Mario Batali
If neither of the two parties are happy, then you have a closed restaurant. And if only one of the two groups is happy, you have one that will close. So, to create an opportunity for both the customers and the staff to have a superior experience is my constant struggle.
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- Author Mario Batali
I lived in San Francisco from '84 to '88.
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- Author Mario Batali
I like things that are fun, and I look to do them a lot, and that I have the opportunities to do them makes me a lucky guy.
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- Author Mario Batali
If you approach cooking as a trade school, then you may not have as many interesting things to think about or do later on in life.
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