9 Quotes by Martin Baird
- Author Martin Baird
Casino guests who are willing to risk their own personal reputation and spread positive word-of-mouth advertising about a casino are guest advocates and the degree to which a property has advocates is a highly reliable predictor of future growth.
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- Author Martin Baird
Look at the pieces you have in place to make it easy for your guests to risk their reputation by telling family and friends about your amazing casino. The easier you make it for your guests to feel comfortable recommending your casino, the better your casino will do going forward.
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- Author Martin Baird
Listening also improves communication between you and your guests and good communication is essential to providing guests with the service they desire.
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- Author Martin Baird
That will always make them and you feel better. This simple technique makes each guest feel like he or she is the most important person on the property that day.
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- Author Martin Baird
Any given week or day doesn't have to be devoted to improving a particular aspect of guest service. An effective customer service approach can come from a mixture of ideas.
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- Author Martin Baird
Always start the day with a positive attitude. Create a bright attitude by listening to upbeat music, exercising in the morning, playing with your children or pets and avoiding stressful situations whenever possible. Maintaining a positive attitude is one simple technique for creating top-notch customer service that will set your casino apart from the competition.
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- Author Martin Baird
Ask someone which restaurants they are satisfied with and they will gladly tell you. Ask them which restaurants they recommend and their answer puts their personal reputation at risk. They don't want to disappoint their friends, who are likely to patronize the restaurants they recommend.
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- Author Martin Baird
No matter what your guest satisfaction surveys say even if satisfaction is in the stratosphere it doesn't matter. Research doesn't support the concept that customer satisfaction predicts growth.
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- Author Martin Baird
That means you should forget about whatever title you have at work. Everyone who works at a casino is in the guest service business. Employee titles are meaningless. Each employee must view guests as an opportunity to make a lasting positive impression.
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