83 Quotes by Matthew Walker
- Author Matthew Walker
While some have contested how accurate or sound the Edina test case is, well-controlled and far larger systematic studies have proved that Edina is no fluke. Numerous counties in several US states have shifted the start of schools to a later hour and their students experienced significantly higher grade point averages.
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- Author Matthew Walker
Humans are not sleeping the way nature intended. The number of sleep bouts, the duration of sleep, and when sleep occurs has all been comprehensively distorted by modernity.
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- Author Matthew Walker
The twenty-four-hour biological clock sitting in the middle of your brain is called the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
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- Author Matthew Walker
Focus on learning the true value of money and how to be responsible for your own.
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- Author Matthew Walker
These days, credit is too easy to come by. Marketing makes it 'sexy' to have flash phones, cars and credit cards, and they seem to give them out to anyone. Unless you understand your obligations and/or are disciplined, you can wind up with large bills that can cripple your cash flow.
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- Author Matthew Walker
People this age can make mistakes and recover. They have time to make more money and save; they have time to compound investments over a reasonably long time-frame.
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- Author Matthew Walker
If you have some money saved, what you do with it depends on when and how you want to use it. If the goal is short-term, invest it in cash, but if it's a longer term, a managed fund or even direct shares might be an option. Whatever the case, look at the opportunities out there. If nothing else, you'll learn from your experiences (positive or negative).
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- Author Matthew Walker
If you were not to set an alarm clock, would you sleep past it? If the answer is yes, then there is clearly more sleep that is needed.
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- Author Matthew Walker
Sleep is the Swiss army knife of health. When sleep is deficient, there is sickness and disease. And when sleep is abundant, there is vitality and health.
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