288 Quotes by Michael Bloomberg

  • Author Michael Bloomberg
  • Quote

    Whatever you may think of the proposed mosque and community center, lost in the heat of the debate has been a basic question: Should government attempt to deny private citizens the right to build a house of worship on private property based on their particular religion?

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  • Author Michael Bloomberg
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    In our democracy, near equality is no equality. Government either treats everyone the same, or it doesn't. And right now it doesn't.

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  • Author Michael Bloomberg
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    Every one of my positions cuts - out half the country. I'm pro-choice, I'm pro-gay rights, I'm pro-immigration, I'm against guns, I believe in Darwin.

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  • Author Michael Bloomberg
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    Today, you're a piranha if you are seen having coffee with somebody from the other party in many cases.

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  • Author Michael Bloomberg
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    This is the city of dreamers and time and again it's the place where the greatest dream of all, the American dream, has been tested and has triumphed.

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  • Author Michael Bloomberg
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    Now, you might say, 'why should we pay people for doing what they're supposed to do?' It's a fair question -- but think of it this way. Every other anti-poverty program that's been tried has failed to get the national poverty rate below 11 percent. Why shouldn't we experiment with a program built around the one strategy that has proven time and again to work wonders -- capitalism?

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  • Author Michael Bloomberg
  • Quote

    The World Trade Center site will forever hold a special place in our city, in our hearts. But we would be untrue to the best part of ourselves and who we are as New Yorkers and Americans if we said no to a mosque in lower Manhattan.

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  • Author Michael Bloomberg
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    I will say that walking down the street, getting on the subway, taking the elevator, if there's one or two people and they say, 'Great job, Mayor,' that is a real turn-on. I mean, anybody that wouldn't find that satisfying, rewarding, exciting, thrilling - I think they should see the doctor.

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