49 Quotes by Michael Faust
- Author Michael Faust
If you want to be a real person living in the real world, the first thing you must do is get off the grid. Take the first brave step and delete your Facebook profile. After all, you surely wouldn’t want the words carved on your headstone to be: “I was registered with Facebook. I had 101 online friends (and I even knew a few of them). My current mood is: Sad.
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- Author Michael Faust
No greater affirmation of life is possible than to wish every part of it to return to you forever. It is the sublime moment when a person can look at his life, no matter what it consists of – good, bad, or indifferent – and find within himself the desire never to be freed from any aspect of it that allows a human being to be transformed into an Übermensch, the supreme life affirmer.
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- Author Michael Faust
Like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, we have to escape from the eternal recurrence of our day-to-day lives. We have to try new things, learn new things, become people of wide interest rather than narrow focus. We should test our limits, not let limits define us. When a new day comes, we should feel as grateful as Bill Murray, the most overjoyed man on earth when he was able to break out of the prison of repetition.
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- Author Michael Faust
Destiny has called you to be a god. Are you hero enough for the task? Will you switch on your inner “hero program”, or slink off to the shopping mall or the sports stadium and put it off for yet another day? Maybe you’ll take in a movie. So much easier to watch others doing the heavy lifting, and the actors are just faking it anyway. Where are the real heroes? Where are YOU?!
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- Author Michael Faust
You shape yourself, you make yourself. There is no one to save you other than yourself. It’s not Christ, Mohammed or Moses who’s responsible for your life, it’s you. In the end, souls judge themselves.
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- Author Michael Faust
If we embark on Nietzsche’s project to become Supermen, to be creators and value makers, to rise to the highest heights, then we are donning the mantle of God. It is by walking in God’s shoes that we enormously increase our chances of contacting our divine spark.
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- Author Michael Faust
Science was completely wrong to jettison the ideas of Plato and Aristotle and will have to return to them if it is ever to formulate the Grand Unified Theory of Everything.
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- Author Michael Faust
Democracy” literally means “people power” (demos – people; kratos = power). It was designed to stop rule by the rich elite. Look at“democratic” America. Who runs it? The rich elite – the top 1%!!! Why haven’t the dumb “democrats” worked out that the elite have conned them yet again?!
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- Author Michael Faust
Each of us is a “cell” of the Absolute Mind. If we can expand our minds, we can tune into Absolute Mind, the Mind of God. We ourselves, if we can harness Absolute Mind, can become God.
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