50 Quotes by Michael Flynn

  • Author Michael Flynn
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    The body's ills are the least of ills, for they end only in death, which is but a little thing. But if the spirit dies, then all is lost.

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  • Author Michael Flynn
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    [D]idn't Aristarchus and the Pythagoreans propose heliocentrism in ancient times? If only they had prevailed, we might have had Real Science millennia sooner. What was their evidence?Well, you see, fire is nobler than earth and the center is a nobler position. So fire has to be in the center. QED.There are many names for this sort of thinking, but "scientific" is not one of them.

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  • Author Michael Flynn
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    Hans clacked his side-lips. "Do you have the sentence in your head that tomorrow's procession will halt this pest of yours, that it will bar the small-lives from the High Woods?""If it is as you say, no. No more than prayer can stay a charging horse. But that is not why we pray. God is no cheap juggler as to play for a pfennig.

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  • Author Michael Flynn
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    Dirac found that the ratio of the electric force to the gravitational force of an electron-proton pair is roughly equal to the ratio of the age of the universe to the time it takes light to traverse an atom.

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