903 Quotes by Michelle Obama

  • Author Michelle Obama
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    A szó, amit kerestem: fehér. Aznap este, (...) Oda-vissza betűztem gondolatban, szidtam magam a butaságomért. A szégyen nyomasztó súlyként nehezedett rám, amelyet talán sosem fogok tudni lerázni, pedig tudtam, hogy a szüleimet nem érdekelné, hogy minden kártyát helyesen olvastam-e el. Csak sikert akartam elérni. Vagy talán azt nem akartam, hogy sikerre képtelennek könyveljenek el.

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  • Author Michelle Obama
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    It was a small but life-changing move. I didn't stop to ask myself then what would happen to all the kids who'd been left in the basement with the teacher who couldn't teach. Now that I'm an adult, I realize that kids know at a very young age when they're being devalued, when adults aren't invested enough to help them learn. Their anger over it can manifest itself as unruliness. It's hardly their fault. They aren't "bad kids." They're just trying to survive bad circumstances.

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  • Author Michelle Obama
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    Barack wasn't a real black man, like them--someone who spoke like that, looked like that, and read that many books could never be. What bothered me most was that Barack exemplified everything parents on the South Side often said they wanted for their kids.

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  • Author Michelle Obama
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    He saw marriage as the loving alignment of two people who can lead parallel lives but without forgoing any independent dreams or ambitions.

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  • Author Michelle Obama
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    Women endure entire lifetimes of these indignities—in the form of catcalls, groping, assault, oppression. These things injure us. They sap our strength. Some of the cuts are so small they’re barely visible. Others are huge and gaping, leaving scars that never heal. Either way, they accumulate. We carry them everywhere, to and from school and work, at home while raising our children, at our places of worship, anytime we try to advance.

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