447 Quotes by Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku Quotes By Tag
- Author Michio Kaku
The universe is a symphony of strings. And the "Mind of God," which Einstein wrote eloquently about, is cosmic music resonating throughout hyperspace.
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- Author Michio Kaku
Before an observation is made, an object exists in all possible states simultaneously. To determine which state the object is in, we have to make an observation, which “collapses” the wave function, and the object goes into a definite state. The act of observation destroys the wave function, and the object now assumesa definite reality.
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- Author Michio Kaku
Consciousness determines existence.
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- Author Michio Kaku
To resolve the discrepancy between waves of probability and our commonsense notion of existence, Bohr and Heisenberg assumed that after a measurement is made by an outside observer, the wave function magically “collapses,” and the electron falls into a definitestate—that is, after looking at the tree, we see that it is truly standing. In other words, the process of observation determines the final state of the electron. Observation is vital to existence.
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- Author Michio Kaku
But if I make an observation, what is to determine which state I am in? This means that someone else has to observe me to collapse my wave function.
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- Author Michio Kaku
In Einstein's equation, time is a river. It speeds up, meanders, and slows down. The new wrinkle is it can have whirlpools and fork into two rivers. So, if the river of time can be bent into a pretzel, create whirlpools and fork into two rivers, then time travel cannot be ruled out.
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- Author Michio Kaku
It is often stated that of all the theories proposed in this century, the silliest is quantum theory. In fact, some say that the only thing that quantum theory has going for it is that it is unquestionably correct.
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- Author Michio Kaku
By 2100, our destiny is to become like the gods we once worshipped and feared. But our tools will not be magic wands and potions but the science of computers, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and most of all, the quantum theory.
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- Author Michio Kaku
The notion that we live in a quiet, ordinary suburb of the galaxy was simple and comforting.But boy, we were wrong.
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