30 Quotes by Monroe Mann

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  • Author Monroe Mann
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    The only reason some people think finding investors is difficult is because they don't know where to look. Think about this: people with money--millionaires even--are around you every day, whether you recognize them or not. Everybody--even your friend who works at McDonald's--has some sort of paycheck. It may be two hundred dollars or it may be two hundred thousand dollars, but almost everyone has a source of income. The question is: what do they DO with that income?

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  • Author Monroe Mann
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    Experience' is overrated. What matters is quality experience, i.e. where someone succeeded and knows why. Or where someone failed and learned why. Wheels spinning for ten years and then adding a title to your resume doesn't count for much. Yet too many people take other people's proclamations of 'I have years of experience' for granted. What KIND of experience? Verify. Verify. Always verify.

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