7 Quotes by N.J. Lysk

  • Author N.J. Lysk
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    He pressed his thumbs against Iesu's hipbones, caressing the underside of his dick with his tongue and swallowing the salty, sticky precome. He couldn't say he enjoyed the taste, exactly, but... he glanced up, right past Iesu's heaving chest—shirt sticking to his perky nipples—and at his upturned chin where he'd left his whole throat exposed. Vulnerable and at his mercy.And blowing a guy was supposed to be submissive.

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  • Author N.J. Lysk
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    Sometimes Marisa pretended she needed the toilet when she didn’t. But she didn’t feel guilty about it: the secret of strength wasn’t perseverance, it was pacing. You had to know your limits and you had to respect them. She didn’t ask her body to go beyond what it could do, why should she treat her mind with less respect?

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  • Author N.J. Lysk
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    He didn’t imagine hockey was a very likely career for any of them—they weren’t even playing on skates—but if they could just believe in something... In themselves, a little bit, in the world giving them a chance, in other people being worth getting to know…If he could, somehow, offer them that much. Or even if all he did was make their week better. Hell, he’d take making their day a little less worse. It’d make him happy too and joy wasn’t something to be squandered.

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  • Author N.J. Lysk
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    I’m gay, mate,” he told him when Sergi couldn't help but ask. “I got over all my hang-ups like a decade ago.”“Doesn't mean you want people to catch you at it!”Iesu raised an eyebrow at him. “We are in the middle of nowhere and the only people who live here are werewolves with both superhearing and supernoses; only reason to catch us is if they want a free show.

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  • Author N.J. Lysk
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    It was easy. It didn’t require thought to push closer, to roll faster into the wave of their shared pleasure, a rhythm they didn’t need to discuss—it simply was. A truth they had just needed to let surface from the depths as if they’d hid it from themselves by some trick of the light, or the darkness. Maybe just fear—the kind that lived at the heart of every great love.

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  • Author N.J. Lysk
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    Sounds like you are learning a lot from this alpha of yours,” Carry commented slyly. Keenan caught him smiling in Thomas direction, eyes bright under the dim solar-powered streetlamps the newer neighbourhoods were made to install.Maybe it was for the best. For the planet, and for Keenan’s peace of mind.

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