11 Quotes by Nafisa Haji
- Author Nafisa Haji
that there are many things that we cant understand. the past. the bad things that happened... and we become afraid. of what might happen in the future. its okay to be afraid. but we have to keep hoping and believeing... to keep hoping and trying our best to be good and do good. even when we're afraid
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- Author Nafisa Haji
You won't understand this now, Saira. Later, perhaps. When you are older. When you learn that life is not only about the choices you make. That some of them will be made for you.
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- Author Nafisa Haji
He knows what lies before them, and what is after them, and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge save such as He wills.' i traced the words with my finger, over and over again, and realize what i did not before. that not all questions can be answered. that some truths are beyond the capacity of our minds to understand.
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- Author Nafisa Haji
There is an old Arab Bedouin saying: I, against my brothers. I and my brothers against my cousins. I and my brothers and my cousins against the world. That is jungle law. It is the way of the world when the world is thrown into chaos. It is our job to avert that chaos, to fight against it, to resist the urge to become savage. Because the problem with such law is that if you follow it, you are always fighting against someone.
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- Author Nafisa Haji
The only law that means anything - that can have anything to do with God - is one that is alive and that strives for justice given the circumstances of the present. Otherwise, the law is merely something dead, a weapon in the hands of those with power. Against those with none.
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- Author Nafisa Haji
The only way to rise above is to rise above. The only way to respond to wrong is with right. The only way to deal with injustice is to be just.
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- Author Nafisa Haji
Faith is revelation. And in order to receive revelation you have to be open. Belief is about closing yourself off – a lie you tell yourself to make the world fit in with how you’ve decided it should be. Real faith is an action – a verb. It’s truth unfolding.
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- Author Nafisa Haji
That bond, the one between sisters – it is second only to the one between a mother and a daughter.
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- Author Nafisa Haji
She told me that he has always been like this. That he says anger is like milk. It doesn’t keep. It becomes sour, bringing sickness and death to anyone who tastes it when its time has passed. Grief, she said he likes to say, ages better than anger. It is eternal.
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