7 Quotes by Njau Kihia

  • Author Njau Kihia
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    When the president theanthropize himself in matters leadership and governance and takes the constitution and its guardians secondary to his decisions, the chief Justice should assume the role of the deicide of the alloyed beast. If he shows signs of the faint-hearted, the judiciary firewalls become weak to not withstand the threats posed by the executive thus turning into the executive's de facto corporation. This is how autocracy is midwived!

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  • Author Njau Kihia
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    In some African countries, exercising intellectual integrity is a felony. Proving that you can differ with the government on matters law is playing with the balls of a wounded tyrant! Everyone is expected to bend to the utopian vision of these brutes! A professor in these countries must be a menial of a foolish politician while an academic dwarf sits as the attorney at the high table of the nobility! We are no better than human scams!

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  • Author Njau Kihia
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    The new Kenya they are allegedly midwifing through the BBI is a Kenya of thieves and those stolen from. It is high time Kenyans stand up and be counted, dare to speak truth to power. We won't fatten 'leeches' on our salty blood and sweat any longer at the expense of our children! This time round they MUST HEAR US!

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  • Author Njau Kihia
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    Sometimes we lose ourselves, we create walls so that we will never be found. Those who care enough risk the falls from the heights, sacrifice their lives to find us. *Thank you for finding me in these valleys*. Thank you for being the rod and the staff. The day it will pour, that's when I will sing the victory song. Please be there not to comfort but to cry with me, to make my rainbow bigger and bolder.Asante

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