78 Quotes by Noha Alaa El-Din

  • Author Noha Alaa El-Din
  • Quote

    Dreams? Ah, reality spoils the perfection of all beautiful dreams, so the dream can find a place in real life, you know how? By being dyed by the colour of reality, its pain and its bitterness. In other words, life will squash you so that you give up on your dreams and surrender to your needs.. And the decision is completely yours." "No, I shan't give up on my dream." "Then, challenge life! Know the rules, play by rules.

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  • Author Noha Alaa El-Din
  • Quote

    Tears are supposed to relieve the pain, but sometimes, they do worsen the pain, particularly the physical pain, the pain of the hurt pride, and the psychological pain that is accompanied by the continual waves of tears.

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