213 Quotes by Olga Tokarczuk
Olga Tokarczuk Quotes By Tag
- Author Olga Tokarczuk
Everything in here was clean and bright, warm and cosy. What a joy it is in life when you happen to have a clean, warm kitchen.
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- Author Olga Tokarczuk
Being healthy is an insecure state and does not bode well. It's better to be ill in a quiet way, then at least we know what we're going to die of.
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- Author Olga Tokarczuk
You know what, sometimes it seems to me we're living in a world that we fabricate for ourselves. We decide what's good and what isn't, we draw maps of meanings for ourselves... And then we spend our whole lives struggling with what we have invented for ourselves. The problem is that each of us has our own version of it, so people find it hard to understand each other.
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- Author Olga Tokarczuk
Your memory creates postcard images, but it doesn't really comprehend the world at all. That's why a landscape is so affected by the mood of the person looking at it. In it a person sees his own inner, transitory moments. Wherever he looks, he sees nothing but himself.
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- Author Olga Tokarczuk
A man's free to do what he wants with his life, until he falls foul of the banks.
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- Author Olga Tokarczuk
Imagining is a bridge reconciling matter and spirit. Especially when it is done intensely and often. Then the image turns into a drop of matter, and joins the currents of life.
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- Author Olga Tokarczuk
Imagination is essentially creative; it is a bridge reconciling matter and spirit. Especially when it is done intensely and often. Then the image turns into a drop of matter, and joins the currents of life. Sometimes along the way something in it gets distorted and changes. Therefore, if they are strong enough, all human desires come true — but not always entirely as expected.
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- Author Olga Tokarczuk
Rzeczywistość się zestarzała, stetryczała, bo przecież podlega ona zdecydowanie takim samym prawom jak każdy żywy organizm - starzeje się. Jej najdrobniejsze składniki - sensy, ulegają apoptozie jak komórki ciała. Apoptoza to śmierć naturalna, spowodowana zmęczeniem i wyczerpaniem materii.
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- Author Olga Tokarczuk
Perhaps there were some angels watching over him; sometimes they turn up on the wrong side.
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