8 Quotes by Onakpoberuo Onoriode Victor

Onakpoberuo Onoriode Victor Quotes By Tag

  • Author Onakpoberuo Onoriode Victor
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    16. “Once you begin to organize and lead a people according to your subjective perception about who you think they are and not by the guiding or corporate rules, ethics, soon the lubricating experience of mutuality dries out leaving corporate efficiency in the dark...and when the leader seeks to remedy the situation through sectional appeasement, the system grinds further to an abrupt halt and that is when it becomes public knowledge that the leader has only been leading himself all along

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  • Author Onakpoberuo Onoriode Victor
  • Quote

    As earlier mentioned, religious organizations would have to clearly identify what their primary calling or focus should be, and also come up to the fact that administration of the affairs of a people and the practice of faith are mutually exclusive in a secular state as Nigeria. In a figurative sense, it may be said that CAMA, 2020 has taken the cloak of Karma and the spirits once untouchable will now come in their humble humanity to give account of their stewardship.

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