112 Quotes by Paul Goodman

  • Author Paul Goodman
  • Quote

    What we're saying to people is 'Look, we'll wipe that (Internet access) cost out for you, but make your other calls through our service and we'll give you discounts (of 30 percent compared with standard British Telecom rates),

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  • Author Paul Goodman
  • Quote

    Patience is drawing on underlying forces, it is powerfully positive, though to a natural view it looks like just sitting it out. How would I persist against positive eroding forces if I were not drawing on invisible forces? And patience has a positive tonic effect on others; because of the presence of the patient person, they revive and go on, as if he were the gyroscope of the ship providing a stable ground. But the patient person himself does not enjoy it.

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  • Author Paul Goodman
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    You'll have to rent a shop, open a retail display area, buy the refrigerators and equipment and subscribe to a wire service,

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  • Author Paul Goodman
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    To translate, one must have a style of his own, for otherwise the translation will have no rhythm or nuance, which come from the process of artistically thinking through and molding the sentences; they cannot be reconstituted by piecemeal imitation. The problem of translation is to retreat to a simpler tenor of one's own style and creatively adjust this to one's author.

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  • Author Paul Goodman
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    When the Devil quotes Scriptures, it's not, really, to deceive, but simply that the masses are so ignorant of theology that somebody has to teach them the elementary texts before he can seduce them

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  • Author Paul Goodman
  • Quote

    We're talking about one extra carnation, which is one of the cheapest flowers, and nobody ever puts in just one extra flower ... That's why it's so tough. Every arrangement has to be controlled for product going into it and the people who come into this business are not numbers people. They are creative so they've got an automatic resistance to doing what they need to do to make it profitable.

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  • Author Paul Goodman
  • Quote

    The way most people get into this business is they work for a flower shop, ... They learn the business by working for someone else. That's the American way.

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  • Author Paul Goodman
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    This is one of the most difficult retail businesses to be successful at because with most businesses, you buy finished goods, put them on the shelf and sell them, ... But in the flower business you are buying raw product, manufacturing the goods and then selling them, That's where you lose your shirt is the manufacturing, or assembling of arrangements.

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  • Author Paul Goodman
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    It was fun, I'd do it again. Although, I think I'd want to be something different.

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